6 Ekim 2022 Perşembe

ClassPath Sınıfı

Şu satırı dahil ederiz
import com.google.common.reflect.ClassPath;
from metodu
Metaspace bilgisini verir

Şöyle yaparız
ClassPath classPath = ClassPath.from(BuggyAppLoader.class.getClassLoader()); 
Set<ClassInfo> classes = classPath.getAllClasses(); 
for(ClassInfo classInfo : classes) {     

27 Temmuz 2022 Çarşamba

Guice JustInTimeBindings

Soru şöyle. Yani Guice bazı nesneleri kendisi otomatik yaratabiliyor. Bu açıdan Jakarta EE ile benzeşiyor.
Q : How does Guice inject classes without an @Inject-annotated constructor?
A : Guice bindings that are not declared in modules are known as Just-in-time Bindings, and by default Guice is willing to call constructors that take zero arguments:
If you haven't required explicit bindings and you have a public no-arg constructor, Guice will call it as if you had marked it with @Inject. This is in contrast to Dagger, which will only call @Inject-annotated constructors:
Enforce Explicit Bindings şöyle yapılır
class ExplicitBindingModule extends AbstractModule {
  protected void configure() {
Elimizde şöyle bir kod olsun. Eğer "Enforce Explicit Bindings" yoksa ve DepB no-arg constructor'a sahipse, Guice DepB nesnesini kendiliğinden yaratabilir.
public class ServiceClass {
  public ServiceClass(DepA depA, DepB depB) {

public DepA provideDepA() {
 //constructs DepA object and returns it